
part time job

My part time job is cashier. So, I often think about plastic shopping bag. How many did people use these plastic shopping bags for a day. Recentry, people are increasing who do not use plastic shopping bag. They say that "No thank you". I answer " Thank you". I think it is very important for environment. And, I'm glad that communicate with customer. I hope such customer increase more.


Takumasai is school festival's name. It took place November 1th, 2th and 3 th. We prepared for these days. For example, we make costume, portable shrine, booth and so on. So, we have many memories so much. Third year people retired this Takumasai. I am very sad and nervous. In future, we must be a calm more. Because, second year people have to teach everything for ESS club. So, I work hard to my best.

Grand mother

Today, I will go my grand mother's house with my young sister. Because, I could take holiday on Friday and Saturday. So, we decided that to go to grand mother's house. My grand mother lives in Yatsushiro. So, we have to use train about for one hour. I like to use train. Because, I like to see the view. I can see several views on the train. So, I'm looking foward to go!!

Movie Review2-01〔Toy story〕

Date… In 1995, Toy story release in America. In 1966.3.23, Toy story release in Japan.
Genre… Pixer animation Studio
Director is John. A. Lasseter. He was born in California. And, he grew up in Hollywood. His birth day is January 12th.
Title is “Toy story”.
Mention main characters are Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Mr. Potato head, Bo Peep, Slinky Dog, Hamm, Rex, Sergeant and Alien(little green men). This story has two heroes. First is Woody. Second is Buzz Lightyear. Heroin is Bo Peep.

Book Review2-08〔The White ORYX〕

This book was easy for me. So, I could understant so much. I thought that there are many poachers in the desert. I hope to decrease poacher more. Poachers kill sevaral animals in the world. I don't understand why they did so.